Tuesday 29 January 2013

Frogs Frogs and Frogs

As a side project for another competition I thought i'd have a go at drawing some frogs, Something I've never really drawn before. I looked at the present entries and found that lots of people had drawn pictures with one or two frogs in them and I drew 5 ( plus a girl dressed as a frog ) Giving them all attitude and individualism. Frogs can be scary, cute, funny, cool and just plain old so to show all that here is my entry!

Sunshine on the face of a miserable old fart.

Right! where was I? Oh yer! after lots and lots of scribbling, re-arranging, re-DRAWING and colour deciding i came up with the final idea for my canvas which was this...

After which I printed and traced on to a canvas and spent a whole 3 - 4 hours painting! It ended up looking like this..

After staring at it for a while, I pondered.. then I thought... then I decided that this canvas was too simple, I liked it but wasn't sure I wanted it to be the only entry in to the Open Exhibition.
So I came up with another image of paper, water colour paint and pencil ( with a few leafs from my bonsi tree stuck on there ) and I got this...

Which I liked a lot better because it's more fairytale esque, and water colour is my best medium.
Then i merrily hopped on a bus full of depressed and morbid people and skipped on down to the gallery to give them my two little rays of sunshine. If they end up selecting my work for the open exhibition who knows, only time will tell.


Sunday 6 January 2013

From distruction to creation.

Think i'm nearly there with the idea for my next canvas! Bomb girl as it was originally known has turned in to steampunk girl who has found a teddy, this is the sketch for this idea.

  Let the progress continue!

Post-appocolyptic canvas

Being a new year there's always the chance of creating new work for the Open Exhibition in Ferrens art gallery! But this year i've decided to plan out my paintings a bit more, so i'm doing stages of sketches and ideas for a new canvas painting I wanna do for this particular event.

Below are the beginning stages of my ideas.

The idea behind it is an solitary young girl in the aftermath of a modern war, with rubble of technology and modern clothing and te background being toxic dust clouds. Yer it may be a bit risky in a gallery of happy pictures but thats how I roll. 

Wednesday 2 January 2013

First Illustration of 2013

Finally finished the Forest Fern picture! My first completed illustration of 2013, hope you all like it :)