Wednesday 27 July 2011

Little bit of brain food.

Just to let all my followers out there know what I've been up to. I'm still working on the fairytale stuff as i'm determin to make enough to make a calender. I've been working on commissions for other people and family members, pondering on ideas for indecisive people who can't decide if they want my work or not.

Amongst this tornado of things happening i've been trying to get orginised and various projects finished so that I can get back on track with what Im supposed to be doing.

..and on the side i'm still sketching out page layouts for my next kids book.

To keep your eyes from visual starvation heres a little drawing. .. ..

Monday 18 July 2011


Latest finished piece in my fairy tale drawings.

My latest ventures in to the unknown creative realms of my mind, involve sketching up plans for the pages of my next kids book. The story for the book was entered in to a compertition and got in to the top 300 out of thousands of stories and I got a a 'well done' from the big guys.

While the planning commences slowly i will carry on with the digital fairy tale images and also a little side project of 'ninja bunny' t-shirt designs.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

.Little Miss Muffet.

Latest finished picture.

Little Miss Muffet.
More on the way... watch this space.