Monday, 30 January 2012


Updates! on everything so far. Finished the last Fear and Loathing poster the image is below and I think it's my faverout so far.
Also drawing more images for a collaborative with a friend just using black and white to keep it simple, below is a preview.   
For a while I've had a craving to draw a detailed image and also a 'people' image because I haven't drawn realistically for a while now. So I mixed together lots of different images and drew them below is what I got! I will be colouring it shortly.
...and as a little extra I've designed a poster for gender equality in the workplace, but the entry date isn't just yet so I'll hold on to it for a bit.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Keeping you up to date. Because I care.

In one of my previous blog entries ( I can't remember which ) I mentioned a film festival going on in Hull's FrĂșit market. I've already submitted my design for 'Clerks' which unfortunately did not get picked but will be on show on a smaller portion of the event along with my website and name.

The next film poster i'm working on is 'Fear & Loathing in las Vegas' I've had a couple of ideas but I want to experiment with the finishes and colouring of the images more. Here is the first rough version for the first idea..

Trying to stick partly to the style of the original film drawings of B&W with a little bit of colour on the characters. I may de-colour the background yet.
This is the sketch for the second idea..

I want to try and make the ideas slightly trippy but have yet to work out how I could do that.
While I'm working on one set of stuff I often have other stuff on the go at the same time, in this case I've just finished a simple image for a little cousins birthday present...

Very simple but I like it.
I had a look at my website the other day and I thought that the 'selling' page looked a bit bare so I painted a watercolour for that page..

.. and to finish off my ranting I'll let you all know that I'm ALSO knitting a monster.. just to be random.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Funky Fresh.. new stuff

First off.. HAPPY NEW YEAR!.

.. glad I got that off my chest.

I've promised myself that every new year I will back up all my work from the previous year and delete it from my laptop so that I have no distractions from old stuff, I won't resort to going backwards in my work and so that I don't get held back from creating fresh new ideas.

The last thing I did was complete three versions of the Clerks movie poster.. here they are.

  Personally I like the middle one because the faded colours make the title stand out and also shows the B&W 'ness of the film.

I'm also working on B&W drawings for a friends poems, eventually we hope to make this collaborative in to a small book, but that's a long long way off yet.

In the mean time I'm getting to work on the next movie poster for the film 'Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas'.. doodles to come in the next blog.