Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Sunshine on the face of a miserable old fart.

Right! where was I? Oh yer! after lots and lots of scribbling, re-arranging, re-DRAWING and colour deciding i came up with the final idea for my canvas which was this...

After which I printed and traced on to a canvas and spent a whole 3 - 4 hours painting! It ended up looking like this..

After staring at it for a while, I pondered.. then I thought... then I decided that this canvas was too simple, I liked it but wasn't sure I wanted it to be the only entry in to the Open Exhibition.
So I came up with another image of paper, water colour paint and pencil ( with a few leafs from my bonsi tree stuck on there ) and I got this...

Which I liked a lot better because it's more fairytale esque, and water colour is my best medium.
Then i merrily hopped on a bus full of depressed and morbid people and skipped on down to the gallery to give them my two little rays of sunshine. If they end up selecting my work for the open exhibition who knows, only time will tell.


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